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Leqembi photo credit Eisai

Anthem Memory Care’s Jim Altrichter Shares Insights with McKnight’s on New FDA Approved Alzheimer’s Drug

There has been a great deal of excitement in the medical world lately over the latest FDA approved drug for adults in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. McKnight’s Long-Term Care News recently published an article about the new drug, lecanemab, developed by Eisai and Biogen to be sold under the brand name, Leqembi. Clinical trial data shows that patients given infusions of the drug exhibited 27% “moderately” less decline in function and cognition. The trial covered an 18-month period.

Here are some key facts about Leqembi:

  1. Leqembi is a monoclonal antibody, targeting the amyloid plaque build-up in the brain. These plaques are generally believed to be a major contributing factor in the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.
  2. It is recommended for use in the early stages of Alzheimer’s.
  3. The medication is delivered through a process known as “infusion”, wherein the medication is delivered intravenously.
  4. Leqembi is the most recent of therapies that treat the underlying disease, whereas others have only treated the symptoms of the disease.

Jim Altrichter, National Vice President of Clinical Services for Anthem Memory Care shared his thoughts about Leqembi with McKnight’s Clinical Daily, and was quoted in the McKnight’s Long-Term News article.

“I am certainly excited to see a new medicine approved for the treatment of dementia reach the market,” he said. “For people who are diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment or mild dementia, a conversation with their medical provider about lecanemab and the potential benefits of this medicine would be an important step I would recommend,” he added.

While we do not yet have a cure for Alzheimer’s disease, memory care providers, including our own team at Anthem and our communities, are encouraged by the clinical trial results of Lequembi. We look forward to learning more about this latest breakthrough in the fight to end Alzheimer’s disease. 

(Photo credit: Eisai)