Have you ever taken a late afternoon nap and awakened to a shadowy, darkening room? If so, you’ve probably experienced that brief feeling of mild disorientation, which you quickly shake off as you adjust to the transition from daytime to evening.
For an individual who struggles with dementia, however, shaking off that feeling and moving on is not that easy. The period of transition from daylight to nighttime can trigger varying levels of anxiety, sometimes resulting in extreme reactions.
This phenomenon is commonly referred to as Sundown Syndrome or “sundowning”. Those who have cared for individuals with dementia experiencing sundowning understand how important it is to recognize the triggers and how to deal effectively with them.
The fall transition from daylight saving time to standard time can increase the impact of Sundown Syndrome. So, as we approach our fall time change, here are some tips to minimize its impact on a loved one with dementia.
First, know the triggers, which can include:
It is important not to blame yourself. As a caregiver, you can’t control everything that might trigger a sundowning reaction in your loved one. When he/she does exhibit symptoms of sundowning, it is important to have some tools to make it less stressful. Here are some helpful tips from Healthline:
Finally, when you notice your loved one experiencing sundowning symptoms, reassure them that the feeling will soon pass and they will feel better. If you can do so safely, allow them to walk around a bit. Try not to restrain them. It will only enhance the feelings of anxiety.
Sundown Syndrome is very real. And it can create anxious moments for everyone. Recognizing what it is, what triggers it and having tactics in mind to minimize its impact will help your loved one pass through the period with less stress making that transition from daylight to evening easier for everyone.