For our Anthem Memory Care communities, May has been a month full of great outdoor activities.
After a long, turbulent winter it’s been nice to be able to count on more sunny, warmer weather. Our residents and staff love to get outside and enjoy experiencing nature in full bloom. And this is so important for individuals living with dementia. The sweet scent of a rose garden, the touch of leaves and soft petals, or simply the feel of a cool breeze can have a calming effect, while delighting their senses. And, it may even spark a memory or two.
That is why we take every opportunity to bring our residents together with nature. Whether it’s to plant, arrange flowers, visit a park, take a walk, or just sit in the sun and soak up Vitamin D, nature brings a special kind of therapy. And it can be powerful!
Below are some images of residents and staff enjoying a few of the many activities that bring them together with nature and stimulate the senses.
This delightful member of the Gardening Club at Grace Point Place in Oak Lawn, Illinois enjoys working with the soil and nurturing the beautiful flowers.
Time to sit and enjoy a cool breeze for these residents of Harvester Place in Burr Ridge, Illinois. This was taken at The Little Red Schoolhouse Nature Center.
While arranging flowers at Chisholm Place in Wichita, Kansas, there is always time to stop and take in their wonderful scent!
Organizing the petunias before transferring them to the outdoor planters at Porter Place in Tinley Park, Illinois.
For those who are caring for a loved one with dementia, think about what activities you can enjoy with them outdoors. Also, look for ways to bring more of the outdoors inside. Cutting and arranging flowers from the backyard or bringing in a store-bought bouquet help your loved one enjoy the scent and feel of the flowers. It can also bring a heightened sense of wellbeing and tranquility, something we all need in our lives!
(Our header image is of the Grace Point Place visit to the Cal-Sag Trail.)