If you are caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease, how well are you looking out for your own health? Or are you, like so many others, so selfless in your desire to do the right thing for mom or dad that you ignore your own health?
If that sounds like you, consider the fact that losing track of your own health, in addition to exposing yourself to serious illness, will diminish your effectiveness as a caregiver. Think about it. If you were a machine calibrated to conduct a series of processes, you would want to keep your machine in optimum working condition. Because you know that, if any part of a machine isn’t up to par, the performance will drop off and may even stop working altogether.
Of course, you are not a “machine”. You are a living, breathing caring person who, like all of us, needs to be reminded of your own limits from time to time. But the fact is, caring for yourself is really the cornerstone to being able to properly care for and make decisions for mom or dad.
With that in mind, here are five things you need to be doing for yourself to be a better caregiver for your loved one:
Throughout your journey as a caregiver, it is also important to stay on top of the latest in research and technologies in the fight to cure Alzheimer’s disease. Consider joining your local chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association. Get involved in their activities. You’ll find by reaching out to others in similar situations you will gain much in return.
Anthem Memory Care communities are here to help. We hold regular dementia support groups, led by licensed professionals. We also provide short-term respite care, which gives you and your loved one a unique opportunity to experience an Anthem community and witness yourself the loving and compassionate care we provide.
We are here to be a resource for you. We welcome your call or visit any time to any of our care communities.